Calgary Couples Therapy & Associates offers Affair, betrayal recovery therapy and counselling services Calgary Couples Therapy & Associates offers Affair, betrayal recovery therapy and counselling services

Affair & Betrayal Recovery Therapy in Calgary

One of the most crushing experiences in a relationship is an affair or betrayal.

The pain that is caused by this experience is traumatic. Although it will take time and work, you can repair and rebuild your relationship with the proper support from Affair Recovery in Calgary.

Affairs are not the only form of betrayal in intimate relationships. Betrayals can include many different forms of emotional distrust, hiding things or secrets within the relationship, distrust around being a priority, and your partner being there for you, kids, finances, and family. Etc.

Calgary Couples Therapy & Associates follow Gottman Method Couples Therapy

The pathway our team uses for healing from infidelity is the Gottman Affair Recovery in Calgary/Betrayal Recovery Method. This can be best described as the three A’s: Atonement, Attunement, and Attachment. The relationship that results from our Affair Recovery in Calgary is most often a new one that is stronger and more connected. While the scar of the betrayal may never completely go away, there is an opportunity for renewed trust, commitment, and intimate connection.

During your couples sessions of Affair Recovery in Calgary, your struggles and capabilities together will be assessed. This will help you learn the skills and techniques to foster and re-establish trust, safety, and commitment to rebuild your relationship.

You will also have the opportunity for individual sessions in our Affair Recovery in Calgary initiative that will provide you with time to do critical self-work and self-care. You’ll learn to cultivate the clarity and inner strength you need to once again engage in a deep, communicative, loving partnership.

Betrayal Trauma & PTSD

When one’s primary attachment figure is both the source of and the solution to pain and fear in a relationship, it breaks the attachment bond and negatively impacts the marriage (Johnson, 2005).

It is expected to experience symptoms such as excessive rumination, hypervigilance, and flashbacks alternating with avoidance and numbing as they are symptoms of PTSD, which is a major impact of experiencing a betrayal.

The contract that two people had between them, which was supposed to be unbreakable and impermeable, has been broken. The betrayed partner finds themselves wondering about who this person I am with and whether the past years have all been a lie. You do not have to do this alone or without tools to repair the unfathomable damage. We gently support and guide both parties through our Affair Recovery in Calgary and help them understand the context of the affair. We do not minimize the damage, but we believe there is a way to navigate it and rebuild trust again.

Our sessions on Affair Recovery in Calgary will focus on helping to deal with the shock, helping the partner who had an affair be with their partner through their pain, and slowly rebuilding trust. The injured partner wants to know if the partner who had an affair is there for them, and often, a lot of reassurance and validation is needed. It may be difficult for the partner who had an affair to be emotionally present, and we will support them in being present for their partner. Sessions for Affair Recovery in Calgary help to deal with these challenges using the Gottman 3 phases trust revival method.

The Affair Recovery Therapy starts with an assessment and then treatment planning. Then, you will have the opportunity to learn about the different options moving forward if that is the choice you would both like to make. Some couples know they want to stay together, and others are at a time when they are unsure. After the assessment phase of the Affair Recovery Therapy, we will facilitate conversations and can discuss whether or not you want to move forward with this approach.

If you are ready to heal and work toward rebuilding your relationship after experiencing infidelity or other forms of betrayal, please contact us today to set up an appointment for your Affair Recovery Therapy.

Suppose you reside outside of Calgary and need support for Affair Recovery in Calgary. Our Director, Cece Warren, offers a 2-day intensive Affair Recovery Therapy/Betrayal Recovery Package. Please contact us for more information.

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Contact Calgary Couples Therapy and Coaching for Expert Affair Recovery Therapy in Calgary

Are you struggling to overcome the pain and betrayal of an affair? Our expert therapists for Affair Recovery Counseling at Calgary Couples Therapy and Coaching offer specialized affair recovery therapy to help you navigate this challenging time. Contact us today to start your journey toward healing and rebuilding trust in your relationship.

Offering Affair & Betrayal Recovery Therapy to clients across Okotoks, Cochrane, Canmore, Airdrie, Nanton, Calgary, Edmonton, and Online.

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